
Monday, January 18, 2010

Even Progressives Hope Coakley Loses - And They Should

Martha Coakley, the mediocre Attorney General turned US Senate candidate, has caused quite an impression on the political world. She has made gaffe after gaffe after gaffe, claiming Curt Schilling is a Yankee fan and that shaking hands of voters at Fenway Park for the Winter Classic is pointless.

Progressives are now starting to make the argument that even the most ardent left wing Democrats should not be voting for her, in an attempt to purify the party and force them to nominate candidates that appeal to the left wing.

For liberals and Democrats, abstaining or voting against Coakley is an interesting option. If Martha Coakley wins on Tuesday, she will likely never face a primary challenger again for as long as she chooses to serve in the Senate. This conceivably means that Coakley could be scot-free for 30 or 40 years (See Kennedy, E. and Byrd, R.), never facing a challenge from another Democrat and potentially never seeing a strong Republican challenger.

But Coakley is a disaster of a candidate. By all standards of measurement, Coakley has been an absolute disaster, so much so that even if Coakley wins, she will be seen as a failure of a politician. If Democrats abstain or vote for Scott Brown, they can think to themselves that the Democratic Party can nominate a stronger challenger to then Senator Brown in 2012. In other words, the Democrats would be able to trade 2+ years of Scott Brown in the Senate for the ability to nominate a non-disaster of a Senate candidate.

The Democrats could have solved all of this by not just voting for the token woman in the December primary. However, they are Democrats, and are more than happy to vote for labels above other things, such as ideas and qualifications. The best way for Democrats to fix their mistake is to vote for Scott Brown on Tuesday and hope they do not nominate another loser in 2012.

By then, Coakley will safely be sent off to be the dog catcher in North Adams, or another similarly useless position fitting of the worst Democratic candidate for US Senate in quite a long time.

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