
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

UMass Law Approved

The Mass Board of Education approved a UMass Law School. Apparently a $75,000 debt load at graduation will motivate lawyers to go into public service in a way that a $100,000 debt load will not.

The UMass system will regret it when the law school steals public funds from the rest of the university system after the law school goes on a politician hiring binge. It will cost tens of millions of dollars to recruit students to an unaccredited law school, where the whole hope is that tuition dollars from a larger student body will allow the school to increase facilities to the barest requirements the ABA has. But how will the rising student body deal with the substandard facilities currently in place?

Ten years from now, when Massachusetts inevitably faces another budget crisis, does anyone think the legislature will resist the urge to dramatically raise tuition for the UMass Law School, just as California has responded to its near-bankruptcy by making the U. Cal law schools among the highest tuition in the country and insanely high for out-of-state students.

But hey, a public law school and lots of jobs for former state reps made buying this unaccredited law school worth it, right?

1 comment:

  1. @murmur55 twitter2/07/2010 3:26 AM

    #umassmed has had lots of criminal #violentdoctors...adding a few more criminal lawyers to the state and federal taxpayers burden will be just business as usual...
