
Monday, August 24, 2009

Lame Blog 2.0 - now with Twitter

I deleted the first blog because I did not want legal employers to see any independent thought I might have, thinking anything they knew about me would only hurt my quest for employment. Well, that worked out well! Law school and bar exam done and I don't have a legal job, so clearly the blog can't make anything worse for me.

So I'll start giving commentary on some things; probably not legal. While no one reads it, the use of blogs has lost public interest to Twitter, so I'll also send tweets to no one in particular. These fancy blogs will also go out via Twitter as well. This whole exercise is mostly to give me something to do that doesn't involve reading a book or applying for a job. There's no better time than now, considering the Red Sox won't be going anywhere.

The old blog had profiles of obscure presidential candidates, reviews of bad television, and lots of other useless information. And lots of posts from The Onion. Tons of them.

If somehow people start reading it, I might start focusing on something. But let's just say I don't think I'll need to start thinking about it any time soon.

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